Springer Foundations of Respiratory Medicine 1st Editon 2019 Softbound by Simon Hart, Mike Greenstone
This book meets the need for a resource that covers the core knowledge required to pass the SCE exam, which includes the broad field of respiratory medicine. This book is also highly applicable to core medical trainees sitting their MRCP examinations. The format is ideal for effective exam revision with individual chapters covering the key points of each condition in sufficient (but not excessive) detail. Examples of imaging (CXR, CT, PET-CT) are utilised to illustrate cases and descriptions of modern respiratory intervention such as the EBUS/EUS-guided sampling and medical thoracoscopy is included in this essential exam resource. Respiratory physiology in practice.- Respiratory anatomy and imaging.- Asthma.- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.- Bronchiectasis.- Acute and chronic cough.- Interstitial lung disease.- Lung cancer.- Diseases of the pleura.- Sleep and ventilation medicine.- Respiratory infection.- Tuberculosis and other mycobacterial infections.- Pulmonary embolism.- Pulmonary hypertension Cystic fibrosis Rare/orphan lung diseases.