Taylor & Francis Free Radical Toxicology 1997 Edition by Kendall B Wallace
Provides insight into the involvement of free radicals in the pathogenesis of chemical-induced toxic tissue injury. The text addresses the fundamentals of free radical chemistry and the theoretical basis for electron transfer reaction leading to free radical generation. It describes the various subcellular sources of free radicals, the biological reactivity with lipid, protein and nucleic acids, and the physiochemical determinants of free radical-induced cell injury and the various antioxidant defence systems. The book focuses on target organ toxicity, and the concluding section offers an overview of the evidence implicating free radicals in the aetiology of various chemical toxicities, challenging the possibility of misguided use of biomarkers for oxidative damage. Table of contents : - 1. The Chemical Reactivity of Radicals 2. Physical Chemical Determinants of Xenobiotic Free-Radical Generation - The Marcus Theory of Electron Transfer 3. Subcellular Sites of Xenobiotic-induced Free Radical Generation 4. Formation and Biological Reactivity of Lipid Peroxidation Products 5. Free-Radical-Mediated Modification of Proteins 6. Free-Radical-Mediated DNA Oxidation 7. Physiochemical Determinants of Free-radical Cytotoxicity 8. Free-Radical Defence and Repair Mechanisms 9. Free-Radical-Mediated Liver Injury 10. Free-Radical-Mediated Kidney Injury 11. Free-Radical-Mediated Chemical Cardiomyopathies 12. Free-Radical-Mediated Toxic Injury to the Nervous System 13. Free-Radical-Mediated Hematopoietic Toxicity by Drugs, Environmental Pollutants and Ionising Radiation 14. Selected Examples of Free Radicals Mediated Lung Injury 15. Activation of the Inflammatory Response by Asbestos and Silicate Mineral Dusts 16. Free-Radical-Mediated Alterations of Gene Expression by Xenobiotics 17. Free-Radical-Induced Changes in Cell Signal Transduction 18. Free-Radical Oxygen-Induced Changes in Chemical Carcinogenesis 19. Markers of Free-Radical-Mediated Tissue Injury: Tales of Caution and Woe