Oxford India Free Trade Agreements India And The World by Dr V S Seshadri
India did not sign any new FTA for almost a decade since 2011. Its past FTAs were only with countries in East and South East Asia and South Asia. Some of these FTAs were also not seen as delivering commensurate benefits to India. The book analyses possible reasons for this situation. India also pulled out of RCEP negotiations. However, fresh momentum has now been injected with the conclusion of a comprehensive FTA with the UAE and an interim deal with Australia. Negotiations are also underway with several others including the United Kingdom, the European Union, Canada, GCC, and Israel among others. In this context, and keeping in view the overall global FTA scene, the book suggests possible ways forward both in respect of the ongoing negotiations as well as in respect of effectively monitoring and implementing FTAs already concluded and those that will be done in future.