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From Data To Profit - How Businesses Leverage Data To Grow Their Top And Bottom Lines at Meripustak

From Data To Profit - How Businesses Leverage Data To Grow Their Top And Bottom Lines by  Vin Vashishta, John Wiley

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  • General Information  
    Author(s) Vin Vashishta
    PublisherJohn Wiley
    Edition1st Edition
    Publish YearJuly 2023


    John Wiley From Data To Profit - How Businesses Leverage Data To Grow Their Top And Bottom Lines by  Vin Vashishta

    Transform your company’s AI and data frameworks to unlock the true power of disruptive new techIn From Data to Profit: How Businesses Leverage Data to Grow Their Top and Bottom Lines, accomplished entrepreneur and AI strategist Vineet Vashishta delivers an engaging and insightful new take on making the most of data, artificial intelligence, and technology at your company. You’ll learn to change the culture, strategy, structure, and operational framework of your company to take full advantage of disruptive advances in tech.The author explores fascinating work being undertaken by firms in the real world, as well as high-value use cases and innovative projects and products made possible by realigning organizational frameworks using the capabilities of new technologies. He explains how to get everyone in your company on the same page, following a single framework, in a way that ensures individual departments get what they want and need.You’ll learn to outline a comprehensive technical vision and purpose that respects departmental autonomy over their core competencies while guaranteeing that they all get the tools they need to make technology their partner. You’ll also discover why firms that have adopted a holistic strategy toward AI and data have enjoyed results far beyond those experienced by those that have taken a piecemeal approach.From Data to Profit demonstrates the proper role of the CEO during an intensive transformation: one of maintaining culture during the change. It offers advice for organizational change, including the 3-Phase Data Organizational Development Framework, the Core <-> Rim 3 Main People Groups Framework, and the way to implement new roles for a Chief Digital Officer and Technical Strategist.Perfect for data professionals, data organizational leaders, and data product and process owners, From Data to Profit will also benefit executives, managers, and other business leaders seeking hands-on advice for digital transformation at their firms.

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