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Future Of Blockchain With The Metaverse at Meripustak

Future Of Blockchain With The Metaverse by Hannele Pelley , Academiq

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Books from same Publisher: Academiq

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Hannele Pelley
    Publish YearDecember 2023


    Academiq Future Of Blockchain With The Metaverse by Hannele Pelley

    The book “Future of blockchain with the Metaverse” is a complete guide towards metaverse and metaverse can change our lives and is related to blockchain and crypto, web3, etc.This book consists of 16 chapters. All the chapters are short and crisp. They are to the point, explaining everything about metaverse, its future, and how it’s affecting our lives.The first few chapters of the book explain what metaverse is, how it’s changing, what its future will be, and how it is getting used in many different fields of expertise like real estate and medicine. Also, how blockchain and other such technologies shape the metaverse; how the metaverse can’t be just virtual reality and the future of technology. There are different points of view regarding this. We again re-discussed metaverse in the next few chapters after seeing its usage. Also, how crypto and web3 are part of the metaverse, there is a case study named “State of fashion,” which uses the metaverse.Metaverse is surely the future of great technology. But right now, it’s just science fiction. Nevertheless, many people are working towards it. Read all the chapters to have a deeper understanding of this topic.

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