Taylor & Francis Exclusive(Cbs) Gas Turbines Modeling Simulation And Control Using Artificial Neural Networks by Asgari H
Gas Turbines Modeling, Simulation, and Control: Using Artificial Neural Networks provides new approaches and novel solutions to the modeling, simulation, and control of gas turbines (GTs) using artificial neural networks (ANNs). Gas Turbines Modeling, Simulation, and Control: Using Artificial Neural Networks not only offers a comprehensive review of the state of the art of gas turbine modeling and intelligent techniques, but also demonstrates how artificial intelligence can be used to solve complicated industrial problems, specifically in the area of GTs.
Key Features:-
- Outlines important criteria to consider at the beginning of the GT modeling process, such as GT type
- Highlights research in the fields of white-box and black-box modeling, simulation, and control of GT
- Discusses the structure of ANNs and the ANN-based model-building process, including system analysis,
- Presents a noteworthy ANN-based methodology for offline system identification of GTs, complete with
- Covers the modeling of GT transient behavior and start-up operation, and the design of proportional-