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Genome Stability: Dna Repair And Recombination at Meripustak

Genome Stability: Dna Repair And Recombination by Haber, Garland Exclusive

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Books from same Publisher: Garland Exclusive

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  • General Information  
    PublisherGarland Exclusive
    Publish YearFebruary 2014


    Garland Exclusive Genome Stability: Dna Repair And Recombination by Haber

    Genome Stability: DNA Repair and Recombination describes the various mechanisms of repairing DNA damage by recombination, most notably the repair of chromosomal breaks. The text presents a definitive history of the evolution of molecular models of DNA repair, emphasizing current research. The book introduces the central players in recombination. An overview of the four major pathways of homologous recombinational repair is followed by a description of the several mechanisms of nonhomologous end-joining. Designed as a textbook for advanced undergraduate and graduate students with a molecular biology and genetics background, researchers and practitioners, especially in cancer biology, will also appreciate the book as a reference.

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