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Global Warming And Global Cooling Evolution Of Climate On Earth (Hb) at Meripustak

Global Warming And Global Cooling Evolution Of Climate On Earth (Hb) by Sorokhtin, ELSEVIER

Books from same Author: Sorokhtin

Books from same Publisher: ELSEVIER

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    Publish YearAugust 2007


    ELSEVIER Global Warming And Global Cooling Evolution Of Climate On Earth (Hb) by Sorokhtin

    The theory of the Earth's climate evolution based on universal chemical-physical laws of matter-energy transformation is presented in the book. It shows how the process of Earth's core separation has led to formation and evolution of the hydrosphere and atmosphere. Having analyzed the processes of heat transfer in the atmosphere, the writers developed the adiabatic theory of the greenhouse effect, which was applied for analysis of climatic changes on the Earth. The influence of changes in climate on formation of mineral deposits and development of life on Earth was considered and presented based on modeling of typical climatic regimes. It shows that the anthropogenic effect on the Earth's global temperature is negligible in comparison with the effect of global forces of nature.

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