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Green Power: Perspectives On Sustainable Electricity Generation at Meripustak

Green Power: Perspectives On Sustainable Electricity Generation by Figueiredo, Taylor & Francis Exclusive(Cbs)

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  • General Information  
    PublisherTaylor & Francis Exclusive(Cbs)
    Publish YearMarch 2014


    Taylor & Francis Exclusive(Cbs) Green Power: Perspectives On Sustainable Electricity Generation by Figueiredo

    Green Power: Perspectives on Sustainable Electricity Generation provides a systematic overview of the current state of green power and renewable electrical energy production in the world. Presenting eight in-depth case studies of green power production and dissemination, it illustrates the experiences and best practices of various countries on this topic of critical importance. The book’s case studies provide readers with policy, business, and societal perspectives. They examine the differences in each country’s natural endowments, cultural make-up, technological development, public-policy concerns, and institutional incentive structures relative to the advancement of green and sustainable energy. By illustrating the experiences of other nations, the book outlines valuable lessons learned and best practices that can be extremely helpful to other countries as they seek a greener energy profile. Supplying a timely overview of renewable and non-renewable electric power sources, it provides in-depth analysis of the key factors that affect success. It also identifies practices that have been precursors to failure so you can avoid making the same mistakes in your quest to contribute to the long-overdue advancement of green energy.

    Key Features:-

    • Considers China’s energy profile and what is being done to reduce the country’s reliance on coal
    • Describes the cultural foundations and institutional environment that gave birth to Germany’s energy
    • Supplies an overview of the renewable energy sector in Spain and analyzes its future prospects in li
    • Reports on French Polynesia’s progress in its quest to generate half of its electricity from renewab
    • Investigates the feasibility of biomass as a large-scale electricity generation option
    • Explores the vision of power generation in space that could solve mankind’s energy needs permanently

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