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Guide to COMPANY DIRECTORS (Appointment, Vacation of Office and Removal, Remuneration, Loans, Office or Place of Profit, Contracts and Arrangements, Meetings and Proceedings and Related Party Transact at Meripustak

Guide to COMPANY DIRECTORS (Appointment, Vacation of Office and Removal, Remuneration, Loans, Office or Place of Profit, Contracts and Arrangements, Meetings and Proceedings and Related Party Transact by Dr. K.R. Chandratre, Bharat Law House Pvt. Ltd.

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Dr. K.R. Chandratre
    PublisherBharat Law House Pvt. Ltd.
    Edition7th edition
    Publish YearAugust 2023


    Bharat Law House Pvt. Ltd. Guide to COMPANY DIRECTORS (Appointment, Vacation of Office and Removal, Remuneration, Loans, Office or Place of Profit, Contracts and Arrangements, Meetings and Proceedings and Related Party Transact by Dr. K.R. Chandratre

    Chapter 1 Becoming a Director
    Chapter 2 Cessation of Office of a Director
    Chapter 3 Directors’ Powers and Rights
    Chapter 4 Meetings and Proceedings of Board and Committees
    Chapter 5 Managerial Personnel and Key Managerial Personnel
    Chapter 6 The Law and Procedure Relating to Remuneration of Directors and Loans, Guarantees and Securities to Directors
    Chapter 7 Duties and Responsibilities of Directors
    Chapter 8 Directors' Duty regarding Disclosure of Interests in Contracts and Arrangements
    Chapter 9 Liabilities of Directors
    Chapter 10 Compounding of Offences, Adjudication of Penalties and Compromise or Settlement by Lok Adalat
    Appendix I Exemptions Granted by Central Government under section 462 of the Companies Act 2013

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