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Hand And Finger Injuries In Rock Climbers at Meripustak

Hand And Finger Injuries In Rock Climbers by Sebastien Gnecchi and François Moutet, Springer

Books from same Author: Sebastien Gnecchi and François Moutet

Books from same Publisher: Springer

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Sebastien Gnecchi and François Moutet
    Publish YearJune 2015


    Springer Hand And Finger Injuries In Rock Climbers by Sebastien Gnecchi and François Moutet

    The aim of this book is not only to help climbers and coaches gain a better understanding of medical consultations, but also to offer insights into practical treatment. As regards the medical field, the explanation of the different forces exerted on fingers during climbing allows better assessment of the causes of injuries and can help injured climbers adjust when they return to training. Despite their small size and fragility, fingers are essential in rock-climbing. The publication of this book was motivated by the numerous possible injuries and the required treatments, as well as the desire to connect medicine to this field. Combining scientific and medical research offers a new approach to training and practice. Indeed, promoting cooperation between specialists and coaches for the benefit of climbers can reduce the risk of lesions and improve training.

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