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Handbook Of Consulattion-Liaison Psychiatry, 2Nd Edition at Meripustak

Handbook Of Consulattion-Liaison Psychiatry, 2Nd Edition by Hoyle Leigh and Jon Streltzer, Springer

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Hoyle Leigh and Jon Streltzer
    Publish YearDecember 2014


    Springer Handbook Of Consulattion-Liaison Psychiatry, 2Nd Edition by Hoyle Leigh and Jon Streltzer

    This updated resource refines and expands on both the core concepts and the real-world practice of consultation-liaison psychiatry in medical settings. New and revised chapters provide background and basics and describe CL psychiatry approaches to managing a wide array of common conditions, including heart disease, dementia, anxiety and depressive disorders, alcohol and substance use problems, and chronic pain. Besides the fine points of practice in varied chronic and acute care settings, specific patient populations such as children, elders, ob/gyn patients, and the immunocompromised are discussed. The latest information and insights on pharmacology, interviewing, and ethical and cultural issues round out the book's highly accessible coverage. The Second Edition of the Handbook of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry ably follows its predecessor by presenting the diverse state of the specialty to enhance the work of psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, and primary care physicians.

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