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Handbook Of Engineering Hydrology Fundamentals & Applications at Meripustak

Handbook Of Engineering Hydrology Fundamentals & Applications by Eslamian, Taylor & Francis Exclusive(Cbs)

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  • General Information  
    PublisherTaylor & Francis Exclusive(Cbs)
    Publish YearApril 2014


    Taylor & Francis Exclusive(Cbs) Handbook Of Engineering Hydrology Fundamentals & Applications by Eslamian

    While most books only examine the classical aspects of hydrology, the three-volume set covers multiple aspects of hydrology, and includes contributions from experts from more than 30 countries. It examines new approaches, addresses growing concerns about hydrological and ecological connectivity, and considers the worldwide impact of climate change. It also provides updated material on hydrological science and engineering, discussing recent developments as well as classic approaches. Published in three books, Fundamentals and Applications; Modeling, Climate Change, and Variability; and Environmental Hydrology and Water Management, the entire set consists of 87 chapters, and contains 29 chapters in each book.

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