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Handbook Of Immunohistochemistry And In Situ Hybridization Of Human Carcinomas Vol. 3 at Meripustak

Handbook Of Immunohistochemistry And In Situ Hybridization Of Human Carcinomas Vol. 3 by Hayat M A , ELSEVIER

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Hayat M A
    Publish YearSeptember 2005


    ELSEVIER Handbook Of Immunohistochemistry And In Situ Hybridization Of Human Carcinomas Vol. 3 by Hayat M A

    Immunohistochemistry is the use of specific antibodies to stain particular molecular species in situ. This technique has allowed the identification of many more cell types than could be visualized by classical histology, particularly in the immune system and among the scattered hormone-secreting cells of the endocrine system, and has the potential to improve diagnosis, prognosis and therapeutic options of cancer. This book discusses all aspects of immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization technologies and the important role they play in reaching a cancer diagnosis. It provides step-by-step instructions on the methods of additional molecular technologies such as DNA microarrays, and microdissection, along with the benefits and limitations of each method. The topics of region-specific gene expression, its role in cancer development and the techniques that assist in the understanding of the molecular basis of disease are relevant and necessary in science today.

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