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How To Create A Successful Business Plan For Entrepreneurs Scientists Managers And Students at Meripustak

How To Create A Successful Business Plan For Entrepreneurs Scientists Managers And Students by Galai Dan Et Al, World Scientific India

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Galai Dan Et Al
    PublisherWorld Scientific India
    Publish YearSeptember 2023


    World Scientific India How To Create A Successful Business Plan For Entrepreneurs Scientists Managers And Students by Galai Dan Et Al

    How can all the nuts and bolts of a business be analyzed effectively in one comprehensive model and translated into a business plan? At various points in the life of a business, entrepreneurs will need to take stock of their ideas and plans and reformulate them in business and financial terms. How to Create a Successful Business Plan is about dynamic planning for businesses and provides a structured approach to business planning that focuses on the main components of the business model, while addressing key issues often raised by investors and potential business partners. It gives the company order and structure and helps managers optimize team integration and resources. The book provides a framework in which professionals from a broad range of backgrounds can work together on a successful business plan. Readers will find that the business model is discussed in depth, yet in accessible and easily understood terms.

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