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Imaging Cerebrovascular Disease at Meripustak

Imaging Cerebrovascular Disease by Viken L Babikian and Lawrence R Wechsler and Randall T Higashida , ELSEVIER

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Viken L Babikian and Lawrence R Wechsler and Randall T Higashida
    Publish YearMarch 2003


    ELSEVIER Imaging Cerebrovascular Disease by Viken L Babikian and Lawrence R Wechsler and Randall T Higashida

    Cerebrovascular disease is the most common serious neurologic condition, and imaging is the best way to determine the precise nature of it. Including all methods of stroke imaging, this text will assist neurologists in becoming more proficient in interpreting images to better diagnose and manage patients with cerebrovascular disease. This atlas will keep neurologist up-to-date with the newest imaging techniques.

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