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Imaging Of Pediatric Chest at Meripustak

Imaging Of Pediatric Chest by Ashu Seith Bhalla, Jaypee

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Books from same Publisher: Jaypee

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Ashu Seith Bhalla
    Edition2nd Edition
    Publish YearJanuary 2024


    Jaypee Imaging Of Pediatric Chest by Ashu Seith Bhalla

    There is comprehensive coverage of various aspects of chest disorders in children, including infections, pediatric interstitial lung diseases, congenital vascular anomalies as well as lung and mediastinal tumors in children. In addition, specifically aimed at postgraduate and superspeciality residents are structured reporting formats for each common disorders with accompanying explanation of application of these, which are sure to simplify comprehension and enhance reporting standards for all readers. Further, to cater to practicing radiologists as well as pediatric pulmonologists, there are a large number of high-quality illustrations as well as detailed “pattern-based imaging approach” in the form of flowcharts which have been incorporated into this edition. We have also covered recent advances such as the role of interventional radiology and the role of relevant genetic and molecular testing.

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