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Improving Stress Resilience in Plants Physiological and Biochemical Basis and Utilization in Breeding 1ed at Meripustak

Improving Stress Resilience in Plants Physiological and Biochemical Basis and Utilization in Breeding 1ed by Abass Ahanger, Bhat, Ahmad & John, Academic Press

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Abass Ahanger, Bhat, Ahmad & John
    PublisherAcademic Press
    Edition1st Edition
    Publish YearDecember 2023


    Academic Press Improving Stress Resilience in Plants Physiological and Biochemical Basis and Utilization in Breeding 1ed by Abass Ahanger, Bhat, Ahmad & John

    Improving Stress Resilience in Plants: Physiological and Biochemical Basis and Utilization in Breeding addresses the urgent need for improved understanding of major plant stress tolerance mechanisms, the identification of the genes, and gene products that are key to improving those mechanisms and means of optimizing those genes through molecular approaches. With a focus on plant physiological and biochemical attributes at both cellular and whole plant levels, this book includes the latest information on crosstalk between the various signaling molecules and quantitative trait locus (QTL). Further, it explores the extension of these mechanisms to breeding approaches, confirming overall understanding and inspiring further research. Written by a team of global experts, and presented in three thematic sections, the book provides insights into physical adaptations, metabolism and pathways, and breeding techniques including CRISPR and conventional approaches to reduce the negative effects of stresses and improve crop yield even under stress conditions. It is an ideal resource for researchers, academics and advanced students seeking to improve stress tolerance among crop plants and developing key future strategies for sustainable food production. Explores key strategies, including signaling molecules and Quantitative Trait Locus (QTLs) Highlights stress mitigating agents for improved crop yield Provides an integrated and holistic overview, enabling and inspiring further research toward improved food security

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