Made Easy Publication Indian Society: Civil Services Examination 2019 by NEXT IAS Team
Every UPSC aspirant has a basic understanding of Indian society, yet most of them find it difficult to score marks in this area due to generalist nature of the topics and absence of reliable resource material. To cut down on the struggle, this book has been written with a clear understanding of UPSC Mains examination and pattern of questions being asked.
It is a concise handbook with the sole purpose of enriching the understanding of students in such general topics and to help them answer in complete relevance to the questions being asked. Every dimension of Indian society under the syllabus has been dealt in this book along with emerging trends of changing society, its associated problems, advantages and comprehensive analysis.
To ensure extra marks for the reader, sincere efforts have been made to add relevant case studies, contemporary examples, policies and programmed of government, various judgements and legislations, thereby making it a complete solution for Indian Society topic.