Eastern Book Company Insider Trading - Law & Practice (First Edition) by Armaan Patkar
This book exhaustively analyses and comments on the SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015. It is the most extensive piece of literature on insider trading in India, and covers nearly 1,000 Indian and foreign cases. It also examines market practice and suggests good practices for securities market participants. Importantly, it also addresses the recent amendments to the PIT regulations in December 2018 and January 2019.
It not only caters to securities law practitioners and litigators, but will also prove to be useful to compliance personnel in listed companies, intermediaries and fiduciaries. Of particular use to securities law practitioners, is an appendix to the book which contains a summary of all informal guidance issued by SEBI relating to insider trading (under the erstwhile 1992 regulations as well the current regulations). Chapter 9 is dedicated to compliance requirements of the model codes of conduct and fair disclosure) under the PIT regulations, which compliance personnel may refer to for practical guidance. The book also examines in detail, global jurisprudence and good practices for establishing Chinese Walls – a topic on which Indian literature is negligible.
It has been described as a pioneering work and a sine qua non for anyone engaged in the field of securities regulation, whether a student, academic or practitioner.
Table Of Contents:
Table of Cases
1. An Introduction to Insider Trading
2. Development of Insider Trading Regulation
3. Legislative and Regulatory Framework in India
4. Insiders
5. Unpublished Price Sensitive Information
6. Other Definitions and Interpretation
7. Prohibition on Insider Trading
8. Communication of UPSI
9. Compliance Requirements
10. Enforcement
1. SEBI Informal Guidance Letters Relating to Insider Trading
2. Report of the High Level Committee to Review the SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 1992