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Introduction To Bioorganic Chemistry And Chemical Biology at Meripustak

Introduction To Bioorganic Chemistry And Chemical Biology by Vranken D V , Garland Exclusive

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Vranken D V
    PublisherGarland Exclusive
    Publish YearNovember 2012


    Garland Exclusive Introduction To Bioorganic Chemistry And Chemical Biology by Vranken D V

    Introduction to Bioorganic Chemistry and Chemical Biology is the first textbook to blend modern tools of organic chemistry with concepts of biology, physiology, and medicine. With a focus on human cell biology and a problems-driven approach, the text explains the combinatorial architecture of biooligomers (genes, DNA, RNA, proteins, glycans, lipids, and terpenes) as the molecular engine for life. Accentuated by rich illustrations and mechanistic arrow pushing, organic chemistry is used to illuminate the central dogma of molecular biology.Introduction to Bioorganic Chemistry and Chemical Biology is appropriate for advanced undergraduate and graduate students in chemistry and molecular biology, as well as those going into medicine and pharmaceutical science.

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