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Laboratory Hemostasis, 2Nd Edition at Meripustak

Laboratory Hemostasis, 2Nd Edition by Sterling T Bennett and Christopher M Lehman and George M Rodgers, Springer

Books from same Author: Sterling T Bennett and Christopher M Lehman and George M Rodgers

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Sterling T Bennett and Christopher M Lehman and George M Rodgers
    Publish YearOctober 2014


    Springer Laboratory Hemostasis, 2Nd Edition by Sterling T Bennett and Christopher M Lehman and George M Rodgers

    Coagulation testing is the basis for the diagnosis of bleeding and thrombotic disorders, as well as the mainstay of anticoagulant monitoring and management. This handbook provides practical information and guidance on topics relevant to directing a coagulation laboratory, filling a void in the literature. Since the first edition, all chapters have been updated and an entirely new chapter is included on pharmacogenomics and pharmacogenetics. The book will aid pathologists, clinical laboratory scientists and other physicians serving as laboratory directors to understand and carry out their responsibilities. It will also assist residents and fellows in learning the basics of coagulation testing and serve as a useful day-to-day reference for coagulation laboratory supervisors, technologists, and technicians. Finally, clinicians may find aspects of the book helpful in understanding the role of the coagulation laboratory in patient evaluation and monitoring.

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