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Labour Laws 2019 by Taxmann, Taxmann Publications

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  • General Information  
    PublisherTaxmann Publications
    Edition2019 Edition
    Publish YearFebruary 2019


    Taxmann Publications Labour Laws 2019 by Taxmann

    Apprentices Act 1961
    Child and Adolescent Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act 1986
    Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act 1970
    Employees Compensation Act 1923
    Employees Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act 1952
    Employees State Insurance Act 1948
    Employment Exchanges (Compulsory Notification Of Vacancies) Act 1959
    Equal Remuneration Act 1976
    Factories Act 1948
    Industrial Disputes Act 1947
    Industrial Employment(Standing Orders)Act 1946
    Maternity Benefit Act 1961
    Minimum Wages Act 1948
    Payment of Bonus Act 1965
    Payment of Gratuity Act 1972
    Payment of Wages Act 1936
    Sales Promotion Employees (Conditions of  Service) Act 1976
    Trade Unions Act 1926

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