Nova Science Lightning Properties Formation & Types 2011 Edition by Matthew D Wood
Lightning balls are very rare natural phenomena that appear as free floating glowing globs, usually during electric activity in the atmosphere of the Earth. Each year, hundreds of eyewitness accounts of such strange events are reported to local journals, police and even military authorities. This book also discusses, extraterrestrial lightning detected so far on the planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Venus, which are attributed to intracloud lightning. An overview of the results of Schumann resonance and ELF studies obtained during the last decade are explored and educational computer simulations of lightning and associated thunders is reviewed. Table of contents :- Preface; Dynamical Self-Organization Acting as Physical Basis of the Ball Lightning Phenomenon; Extraterrestrial Lightning & its Past & Future Investigation; Recent Studies of Schumann Resonance & ELF Transients; Educational Computer Simulations of Lightning & Associated Thunders; Lightning in Protoplanetary Disks; Ball Lightning as an Optical Incoherent Space Spherical Soliton; An Overview of Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Research in Brazil in the Last Two Decades; Index.