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Linear Integrated Circuits, 3/E at Meripustak

Linear Integrated Circuits, 3/E by Salivahanan, McGraw Hill

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Books from same Publisher: McGraw Hill

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  • General Information  
    PublisherMcGraw Hill
    Edition3rd Edition
    Publish YearSeptember 2018


    McGraw Hill Linear Integrated Circuits, 3/E by Salivahanan

    We are excited to present the third edition of Linear Integrated Circuits by renowned authors. The revised edition continues with
    its essence of dealing with ICs in detail including theoretical, analytical and application aspects. The learning outcomes-based
    style of content delivery provides the undergraduate engineering students a thorough understanding of the concepts and
    induces further exploration into the topics.
    The book will be a useful reference to GATE, UPSC and other competitive examinations aspirants.

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