• Plan your time and pace. Allocate time to review your answers.
• Read each question carefully: Multiple Choice tests examine your ability to read thoughtfully.
• Read each of the responses: Do not just stop when you come upon the one that seems likely.
Remember, you are looking for the best answer.
• Identify keywords: Circle or underline keywords, such as "all", "always", "never", "none", "not",
"few", "many", "some", "sometimes", and "except".
• Identify subject area: Identifying what lecture, reading, topic, or laboratory exercise the question is
from might help you narrow the choice of possible responses.
• Identify what is being asked: Answer each question in the context of what the examiner intended.
• The "cover up" strategy: Some students find it helpful to read the question and try to recall the
answer from memory before looking at each of the five responses.
• The "true/false" strategy: Identify if the question is looking for a true or false statement.