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Managing Sport Facilities, 3Rd Edition at Meripustak

Managing Sport Facilities, 3Rd Edition by Gil Fried, Human Kinetic

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Books from same Publisher: Human Kinetic

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Gil Fried
    PublisherHuman Kinetic
    Publish YearMay 2015


    Human Kinetic Managing Sport Facilities, 3Rd Edition by Gil Fried

    This new and updated edition provides future and current sport facility managers with the knowledge they need in order to make the proper decisions in all areas of facility management. It engages students with a clear writing style, extensive real-world examples and information on managing a range of facilities, from smaller health clubs, colleges and recreational environments to professional sport stadia. They will learn the history of the sport facility industry and the primary goals and objectives of facility managers; how to build and finance a facility; facility operation; administration of marketing, finance and other critical areas; and event administration.

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