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Medical Surgical Nursing Assesment And Management Of Clinical Problems 2 Vol. Set 6Th Edition at Meripustak

Medical Surgical Nursing Assesment And Management Of Clinical Problems 2 Vol. Set 6Th Edition by LEWIS, ELSEVIER

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Books from same Publisher: ELSEVIER

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  • General Information  
    Edition6th Edition
    Publish YearJune 2003


    ELSEVIER Medical Surgical Nursing Assesment And Management Of Clinical Problems 2 Vol. Set 6Th Edition by LEWIS

    This book contains solid, research-based content presented in a concise, readable, and consistent format. Special features highlight the content that is most relevant and challenging for todays nursing students, including patient teaching, community and home care, gerontology, cultural and ethnic considerations, collaborative care, nutrition, and critical thinking. Nursing management content is discussed in a unique levels-of-care approach, with separate headings for health promotion, acute intervention, and ambulatory and home care. More than just a textbook, it is a comprehensive resource with the essential information that students need to prepare for lectures, classroom activities, examinations, clinical assignments, and comprehensive care of patients.

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