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Microbial Imaging:Methods In Microbiology Vol.34 at Meripustak

Microbial Imaging:Methods In Microbiology Vol.34 by Savidge, ELSEVIER

Books from same Author: Savidge

Books from same Publisher: ELSEVIER

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    Publish YearJanuary 2005


    ELSEVIER Microbial Imaging:Methods In Microbiology Vol.34 by Savidge

    Recent advances in molecular technology have provided new microbial imaging tools, not only complementing more classical methods, but in many cases significantly enhancing the sensitivity and efficiency in which studies may be conducted. These technologies are applicable to a wide range of problems in contemporary microbiology, including strain selection, understanding microbial structure, function and pathophysiology, as well as in the development of anti-microbial agents and vaccines. This volume emphasizes detailed methodology, provides a theoretical background and lists potential applications of specific imaging tools.

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