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Milk Proteins From Expression To Food (Hb) at Meripustak

Milk Proteins From Expression To Food (Hb) by Thompson, ELSEVIER

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Books from same Publisher: ELSEVIER

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    Publish YearNovember 2008


    ELSEVIER Milk Proteins From Expression To Food (Hb) by Thompson

    In recent years, there has been a great deal of progress in the understanding and management of milk proteins across the production chain. Milk Proteins takes a uniquely comprehensive look at those developments and presents them in a one-source overview. By providing a brief overview of each topic area, and then describing the most important recent advances therein, the "field-to-table" approach of this book provides specialists with new and directly relevant information in their own areas, along with information from complementary research fields, allowing them to contextualize their work within the larger pictures. At the same time it provides generalists with a complete overview and offers insights into topics for more in-depth reading. Covering areas that are receiving attention from people of many fields -- genomics, functional foods -- and including the latest research and developments in milk-protein phenomenon and interactions, this book will be an ideal resource for pr...

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