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More Case Presentations In Paediatric Anaesthesia & Intensive Care 3Rd Edition at Meripustak

More Case Presentations In Paediatric Anaesthesia & Intensive Care 3Rd Edition by Neil S Morton and E I Doyle and Ros Lawson and Jane M Peutrell and Pam Cupples , ELSEVIER

Books from same Author: Neil S Morton and E I Doyle and Ros Lawson and Jane M Peutrell and Pam Cupples

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Neil S Morton and E I Doyle and Ros Lawson and Jane M Peutrell and Pam Cupples
    Edition3rd Edition
    Publish YearOctober 2000


    ELSEVIER More Case Presentations In Paediatric Anaesthesia & Intensive Care 3Rd Edition by Neil S Morton and E I Doyle and Ros Lawson and Jane M Peutrell and Pam Cupples

    This quick reference guide, with its easy-to-use format, can be used as a revision tool for professional examinations as well as a tutorial aid for lecturers. It will, therefore, be an essential purchase for trainees and specialists in anaesthesia, intensive care and emergency medicine as well as providing continuing medical education for established senior staff. * Illustrative case scenarios to emphasize the safe, modern approach to a wide variety of problems in the field of paediatric anaesthesia and intensive care * Topics reflecting the scope of current practice with questions and answers * Key references for further reading

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