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Mosby Pediatric Clinical Advisor-Instant Diagnosis And Treatment at Meripustak

Mosby Pediatric Clinical Advisor-Instant Diagnosis And Treatment by Garfunkel, ELSEVIER

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Books from same Publisher: ELSEVIER

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    Publish YearNovember 2001


    ELSEVIER Mosby Pediatric Clinical Advisor-Instant Diagnosis And Treatment by Garfunkel

    Presented in three distinct sections, this comprehensive, yet easy-to-read reference provides all the information needed to diagnose, treat, and manage hundreds of pediatric disorders. Section-One covers nearly 400 common pediatric diagnoses, outlining epidemiology, etiology, clinical findings, laboratory work-up, differential diagnoses, treatment options, suggested patient follow-up, and up-to-date references. Section-Two lists more than 50 common signs and symptoms with diagnostic algorithms and differentials. And, Section Three includes commonly used tables, equations, and charts, with cross references when applicable.

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