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Neuroanesthesia And Cerebrospinal Protection at Meripustak

Neuroanesthesia And Cerebrospinal Protection by Jeremy Williams and Edward F Barroga and Hiroyuki Uchino and and 2 More, Springer

Books from same Author: Jeremy Williams and Edward F Barroga and Hiroyuki Uchino and and 2 More

Books from same Publisher: Springer

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Jeremy Williams and Edward F Barroga and Hiroyuki Uchino and and 2 More
    Publish YearAugust 2015


    Springer Neuroanesthesia And Cerebrospinal Protection by Jeremy Williams and Edward F Barroga and Hiroyuki Uchino and and 2 More

    This book is a knowledge-based text that covers the anatomy, neurophysiology, and neuropharmacology needed to carry out the necessary management and cerebrospinal protection during neuroanesthesia. Especially to make the subject of neuroanesthesia more approachable, we introduce surgical measures utilized in neurosurgery, cardiovascular surgery, neuromodulation, and related procedures. The main purpose of neuroanesthesia/neurocritical care is to deliver cerebrospinal protection in neurosurgical and cardiovascular surgeries. How should we select the best anesthetic management to prevent neurological complications for patients who, for instance, undergo different types of surgery for subarachnoid hemorrhage, stroke, head trauma, carotid endarterectomy, or cardiovascular surgery under cardiopulmonary bypass? These pathological conditions include the risk of transient cerebrospinal ischemia, and if our management is not precise, it may induce serious neurological sequelae. Although there is an urgent need to establish the treatment and elucidate the molecular mechanisms of cerebrospinal injury, many components are intertwined, making this a challenge we have not completely solved yet. This volume makes the management of neuroanesthesia more accessible not only for primary residents but also for specialists, providing a valuable resource on the current perspectives of neuroanesthesia.

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