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New Technologies In Aquaculture Improving Production Efficiency, Quality And Environmental Management at Meripustak

New Technologies In Aquaculture Improving Production Efficiency, Quality And Environmental Management by Geoff Allan and Gavin Burnell , Elsevier

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Geoff Allan and Gavin Burnell
    Publish YearAugust 2009


    Elsevier New Technologies In Aquaculture Improving Production Efficiency, Quality And Environmental Management by Geoff Allan and Gavin Burnell

    With wild stocks declining due to over-fishing, aquaculture will have a more significant role to play in meeting future demand for fresh fish. Developments in research continue to lead to improvements in aquaculture production systems, resulting in increased production efficiency, higher product quality for consumers and a more sustainable industry. New technologies in aquaculture reviews essential advances in these areas. Part one focuses on the genetic improvement of farmed species and control of reproduction, with chapters on genome-based technologies in aquaculture research, selective breeding and the production of single sex and sterile populations, among other topics. Parts two and three review key issues in health, diet and husbandry, such as the control of viral and parasitic diseases, diet and husbandry techniques to improve disease resistance, advances in diets for particular fish species and the impact of harmful algal bloom on shellfisheries aquaculture. Chapters in Parts three and four then examine the design of different aquaculture production systems, including offshore technologies.

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