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Nft And Defi Revolution at Meripustak

Nft And Defi Revolution by Harietta Platt , Academiq

Books from same Author: Harietta Platt

Books from same Publisher: Academiq

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Harietta Platt
    Publish YearDecember 2023


    Academiq Nft And Defi Revolution by Harietta Platt

    NFT and DeFi is types of popular digital assets based on blockchain. This book named” NFT and DeFi Revolution” explains these two in detail. These currencies were born, came into the market, made their impact, and future expectations from these cryptocurrencies.To make it easier for the readers, the book is divided into 2 parts. The first part talks about NFT and how it impacts our lives, its day-to-day applications, and why and how to invest in this cryptocurrency. Similarly, the second part talks about DeFi and explains this cryptocurrency’s same things.The last chapter of this book talks about how these two cryptocurrencies are interrelated and work together. Every cryptocurrency has several algorithms. The algorithms of these two cryptocurrencies interrelate them.

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