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Nystagmus In Infancy And Childhood Current Concepts In Mechanisms Diagnoses And Management at Meripustak

Nystagmus In Infancy And Childhood Current Concepts In Mechanisms Diagnoses And Management by Hertle R W , Oxford

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Hertle R W
    Publish YearMarch 2013


    Oxford Nystagmus In Infancy And Childhood Current Concepts In Mechanisms Diagnoses And Management by Hertle R W

    Nystagmus in Infancy and Childhood is a highly-illustrative and thoughtfully written text that provides clinicians and scientists with detailed yet concise information regarding our current understanding, evaluation, and treatments of nystagmus in infancy and childhood. Throughout the text are clinical pearls and narrative observations intended to help the reader appreciate the enormous strides forward in the past 50 years of nystagmus research. As the only resource effectively comprising the past 50 years of nystagmus research and therapeutic implications, Nystagmus in Infancy and Childhood will be a comprehensive and invaluable guide to for both clinicians and scientists who care for infants and children with nystagmus.

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