Written and Compiled by a Leading Faculty and Subject Expert of Pediatrics
Enriched with Latest Updates up to July 2023
Entire theory covered in just 192 pages in Flowcharts, Tables and One-liners format
100+ MCQs of Recent Exams covered up to July 2023
All important Images/Illustrations covered
Salient Features
Theory—A concise form of text covered in just 192 pages and most important points to remember are given for the last-minute revision. Throughout the book text is presented in the form of Tables, Boxes, Flowcharts, and Illustrations for easy recalling.
High-Yield Tables—Frequently asked Topics and clinical correlations are tabulated for ease of learning and more visual impact for long-term memory.
Clinical Images and Illustrations—Clinical Images and Illustrations have been supplemented with the text for better and easy understanding of the concepts.
Previous Years Qs—Important Topics/Qs have been highlighted in-between the text for a quick glance over the important topics from exam point of view/questions have been asked from the respective topic in previous year examination.
Recent Questions—Last 3 years' exam question papers up to (July 2023) are provided to develop an idea about the trend of questions and also to know about the recently asked topics.