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Oral Facial Disease A Guide For The Dental Clinical Team at Meripustak

Oral Facial Disease A Guide For The Dental Clinical Team by Crispian Scully , ELSEVIER

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Books from same Publisher: ELSEVIER

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Crispian Scully
    Publish YearMarch 2003


    ELSEVIER Oral Facial Disease A Guide For The Dental Clinical Team by Crispian Scully

    This is the first book in a new series to be published in association with "Dental Update", a journal aimed at general dental practitioners which covers clinical issues. "Orofacial Disease" is a guide to what dental practitioners and their teams need to know about oral medicine. It is based on a series of articles which have already appeared in "Dental Update" and were highly praised. This is an area where the less serious conditions can be treated by the dentist, but where onward referral is often necessary, and where the dentist will often be providing "shared care" with a specialist. "Orofacial Disease" concentrates on the conditions which are likely to appear in general dental practice, alerts the dentist to where onward referral is needed, and will provide the dental team with valuable guidance on an area where they may be the first to pick up indications of serious systemic conditions. Professor Scully is an internationally known authority on oral medicine, and has a reputation for writing books which dentists want to read.

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