CBS Publishers & Distributors Pharma Success An Excellent Key To Achieve Success Mcq (Pb 2024) by Vn Raje
This is the first book of its type aimed to fulfil and meet the requirements of students of Diploma in Pharmacy (first and second year courses) in accordance with the latest syllabus [ER 2020] prescribed by Pharmacy Council of India. This book is most useful as a handbook and reference for all the students of Diploma in Pharmacy for objective type questions like MCQs, which appear in • sessional examinations, • final board examinations and • university examinations. It will be of utmost use to the candidates appearing in • Diploma in Pharmacy Exit Examination (DPEE) • pharmacists recruitment examinations, and other • competitive examinations in the profession of pharmacy.Salient features of the bookSubject-wise and chapter-wise MCQs with answer keysCovers maximum number of MCQs as per PCI New Syllabus ER 2020Useful for all the students appearing in most competitive examinations for getting better job opportunities in pharmacy profession such as pharmacists in PHCs, civil hospitals, Indian Railways, Indian Army, corporate sector, and under state governments or zilha parishads.Most useful for the candidates appearing in Diploma in Pharmacy Exit Examination (DPEE).Infusing deep confidence in the reader to crack even the most tough pharmacy examination.