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Photochemistry And Photophysics Concepts Research Applications at Meripustak

Photochemistry And Photophysics Concepts Research Applications by Balzani, John Wiley

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Books from same Publisher: John Wiley

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  • General Information  
    PublisherJohn Wiley
    Publish YearApril 2014


    John Wiley Photochemistry And Photophysics Concepts Research Applications by Balzani

    This textbook covers the spectrum from basic concepts of photochemistry and photophysics to selected examples of current applications and research. Clearly structured, the first part of the text discusses the formation, properties and reactivity of excited states of inorganic and organic molecules and supramolecular species, as well as experimental techniques. The second part focuses on the photochemical and photophysical processes in nature and artificial systems, using a wealth of examples taken from applications in nature, industry and current research fields, ranging from natural photosynthesis, to photomedicine, polymerizations, photoprotection of materials, holography, luminescence sensors, energy conversion, and storage and sustainability issues. Written by an excellent author team combining scientific experience with didactical writing skills, this is the definitive answer to the needs of students, lecturers and researchers alike going into this interdisciplinary and fast growing field.

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