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Photonics Elements For Sensing And Optical Conversions (Hb 2024) at Meripustak

Photonics Elements For Sensing And Optical Conversions (Hb 2024) by Kazankiy N L , Taylor & Francis

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Kazankiy N L
    PublisherTaylor & Francis
    Edition1st Edition
    Publish YearDecember 2023


    Taylor & Francis Photonics Elements For Sensing And Optical Conversions (Hb 2024) by Kazankiy N L

    This book covers a number of a rapidly growing areas of knowledge that may be termed as diffractive nanophotonics. It also discusses in detail photonic components that may find uses in sensorics and optical transformations. Photonics Elements for Sensing and Optical Conversions, covers a number of rapidly growing areas of knowledge that may be termed as diffractive nanophotonics. The book examines the advances in computational electrodynamics and nanoelectronics that have made it possible to design and manufacture novel types of photonic components and devices boasting unique properties unattainable in the realm of classical optics. The authors discuss plasmonic sensors, and new types of wavefront sensors and nanolasers that are widely used in telecommunications, quantum informatics and optical transformations. The book also deals with the recent advances in the plasmonic sensors based on metal-insulator-metal waveguides for biochemical sensing applications. Additionally, nanolasers are examined in detail, with a focus on contemporary issues, the book also deals with the fundamentals and highly attractive applications of metamaterials and metasurfaces. The authors provide an insight into sensors based on Zernike optical decomposition using a multi-order diffractive optical element, and explore the performance advances that can be achieved with optical computing. The book is written for opticians, scientists and researchers who are interested in an interesting section of plasmonic sensors, new types of wavefront sensors and nanolasers, and optical transformations. The book will be bought by upper graduate and graduate level students looking to specialize in photonics and optics.

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