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Phytochemistry And Nutritional Composition Of Significant Wild Medicinal And Edible Mushrooms Traditional Uses And Pharmacology at Meripustak

Phytochemistry And Nutritional Composition Of Significant Wild Medicinal And Edible Mushrooms Traditional Uses And Pharmacology by Ajay Sharma Garima Bhardwaj Et Al, RSC

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Ajay Sharma Garima Bhardwaj Et Al
    Publish YearAugust 2023


    RSC Phytochemistry And Nutritional Composition Of Significant Wild Medicinal And Edible Mushrooms Traditional Uses And Pharmacology by Ajay Sharma Garima Bhardwaj Et Al

    Fungal natural products are among some of the earliest described sources of bioactive compounds. Basidiomycetes have been a prolific source of compounds, particularly as a source of antibiotics and antifungals. Despite advances in target-based and synthetic methods for drug discovery, natural products continue to be an important source of novel compounds. This book is a comprehensive guide to many important fungal species with a focus on their phytochemistry, potential sources of bioactive compounds, known chemistry and toxicology. This book is an ideal companion to researchers and postgraduates in phytochemistry and natural product pharmacology, and mycologists.

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