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Police Investigative Interviews And Interpreting: Context, Challenges, And Strategies at Meripustak

Police Investigative Interviews And Interpreting: Context, Challenges, And Strategies by Mulayim, Taylor and Francis

Books from same Author: Mulayim

Books from same Publisher: Taylor and Francis

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  • General Information  
    PublisherTaylor and Francis
    Publish YearSeptember 2014


    Taylor and Francis Police Investigative Interviews And Interpreting: Context, Challenges, And Strategies by Mulayim

    Police interviews with suspects and witnesses provide some of the most significant evidence in criminal investigations. Frequently challenging, they require special training and skills. This interaction process is further complicated when the suspect or witness does not speak the same language as the interviewer. A professional reference that can be used in police training or in any venue where an interpreter is used, Police Investigative Interviews and Interpreting: Context, Challenges, and Strategies provides solutions for the range of interview demands found in today’s multilingual environments. The book explores the multi-faceted dynamics of conducting investigative interviews via interpreters and examines current investigative interviewing paradigms. It offers strategies to help interpreters and law enforcement officers and provides examples of interpreted interview excerpts to enable understanding. Although the subject matter and the examples in this book are largely limited to police interview settings, the underlying rationale applies to other professional areas that rely on interviews to collect information, including customs procedures, employer-employee interviews, and insurance claim investigations.

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