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Power-to-Gas at Meripustak

Power-to-Gas by Boudellal And Mézi, De Gruyter

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Books from same Publisher: De Gruyter

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Boudellal And Mézi
    PublisherDe Gruyter
    Edition2nd Edition
    Publish YearSeptember 2023


    De Gruyter Power-to-Gas by Boudellal And Mézi

    The increase of renewable electricity production and the resulting surplus lead us to ask: how to improve energy efficiency through the use of hydrogen? This 2nd Edition of Power-to-Gas covers the global energy issues (generation, distribution, consumption, markets), the production of hydrogen via electrolysis, its transportation and storage or conversion in another form. It takes account of the new energy challenges facing the world and the development of experimentations by adding new projects and realisations.

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