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Practical Guide For Mrcpch Clinicals A Journey Towards Success (Pb 2024) at Meripustak

Practical Guide For Mrcpch Clinicals A Journey Towards Success (Pb 2024) by Siba Prosad Paul, CBS Publishers & Distributors

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Siba Prosad Paul
    PublisherCBS Publishers & Distributors
    Edition1st Edition
    Publish YearFebruary 2024


    CBS Publishers & Distributors Practical Guide For Mrcpch Clinicals A Journey Towards Success (Pb 2024) by Siba Prosad Paul

    The scenarios reproduced in the book are based on 'real' cases which the authors have encountered in their practice, and only the most suited to this book have been selected. These give the reader an idea of the challenges one may face in the examination, laying the importance not only on the diagnosis but also treating the child and adolescent with respect, and the impact of the environment on modifying physician's approach to planning the management.This holistic approach is important in patient−physician relationship and if the candidates adequately demonstrate this skill in their examinations by verbal or nonverbal ways, it is indicative of their grasp of the problem being discussed, helps with success, and is a good way of training themselves.Plenty of clinical scenarios are included to enhance your preparation:• 75 communication scenarios• 37 history scenarios• 6 development scenarios [in the new format]

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