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Practical Guide To Scientific Writing In Chemistry at Meripustak

Practical Guide To Scientific Writing In Chemistry by Tyowua Andrew Terhemen, T&F/Crc Press

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Tyowua Andrew Terhemen
    PublisherT&F/Crc Press
    Edition1st Edition
    Publish YearMarch 2023


    T&F/Crc Press Practical Guide To Scientific Writing In Chemistry by Tyowua Andrew Terhemen

    Successful completion of postgraduate studies, especially PhD, and career advancement in academia strongly depend on the ability to publish scientific papers or books and attract research grants. However, many chemical scientists find preparing scientific papers and research grant and book proposals difficult; partly because of insufficient training in writing and partly because there are few practical books to enable them to learn the art. This step-by-step practical guide is intended mainly for postgraduate students and early career researchers in chemical science and the libraries that serve them but will also be useful to other scientists.Key Features:Improves the reader’s chances of getting their manuscript published in chemistry journals.Increases the likelihood of winning research grants in chemistry.Takes a “lead by the hand” approach.Contains chapters on the preparation of graphical abstracts and research highlights.Uses sketches and other illustration styles to aid mental visualization of concepts.Contains practical examples taken from published papers and successful research grant proposals.

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