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Psychiatric Drug Handbook 2nd Edition at Meripustak

Psychiatric Drug Handbook 2nd Edition by Lopamudra (Dhar) Chowdhury and Om Prakash Singh, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Lopamudra (Dhar) Chowdhury and Om Prakash Singh
    PublisherJaypee Brothers Medical Publishers
    Edition2nd Edition
    Publish YearJanuary 2024


    Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Psychiatric Drug Handbook 2nd Edition by Lopamudra (Dhar) Chowdhury and Om Prakash Singh

    The new edition of the book provides updated knowledge about the recently added drugs being approved 
    for use in psychiatric disorders, which will be useful to the postgraduate entrance aspirants as well as the 
    postgraduate students. The clinical pearls provided at the end of the chapters stress upon the important 
    points to be kept in mind during therapy. Moreover, the flowcharts and tables give comprehensive 
    information in a concise, concrete manner as well as the drug dosages required.
    Key Features:- 
    • Very informative, compact, and updated with the information of recently approved drugs in 
    • User-friendly guidebook for busy practitioners, postgraduate aspirants, and postgraduate 
    • Information in bullets, tables, and charts as well as the clinical pearls at the end of individual 
    chapters emphasize important points.
    • Written by experts with immense knowledge in this field and clinical experience

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