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Quantum Dots In Bioanalytical Chemistry And Medicine at Meripustak

Quantum Dots In Bioanalytical Chemistry And Medicine by Michael Thompson And Zahra Ramezani, RSC

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Books from same Publisher: RSC

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Michael Thompson And Zahra Ramezani
    Edition1st Edition
    Publish YearAugust 2023


    RSC Quantum Dots In Bioanalytical Chemistry And Medicine by Michael Thompson And Zahra Ramezani

    Quantum dots are proven powerful probes for fluorescence imaging and have distinct properties that give them unique capabilities. Currently, they are being developed for a range of additional applications including the detection of disease, fluorescent assays for drug discovery, single protein tracking and intracellular reporting.Here, the various types of quantum dots are introduced, with the reader being provided with enough information in the text and the references to encourage a new quantum dot user to get started. Including an overview of the significant advancement in the field and discussing applications, the book emphasises how the properties of quantum dots are employed in bioanalytical chemistry. Closing with a prospectus of the future for quantum dots, any researchers and students in bioanalytical chemistry, medicine and clinical biochemistry will find this title useful supplementary reading.

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