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Radiologic Science For Technologists Physics, Biology, And Protection 7Th Edition at Meripustak

Radiologic Science For Technologists Physics, Biology, And Protection 7Th Edition by Bushong, ELSEVIER

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  • General Information  
    Edition7th Edition
    Publish YearApril 2001


    ELSEVIER Radiologic Science For Technologists Physics, Biology, And Protection 7Th Edition by Bushong

    The purpose of this textbook is to convey a working knowledge of radiologic physics and also to prepare radiography students for the certification exam by the ARRT. The textbook also provides a standard of knowledge from which practicing radiographers can make decisions about technical factors and diagnostic image quality in the work place. This edition gives an expanded coverage of quality management, which includes all of the content on the ARRT. It also includes coverage of new cardiovascular interventional equipment and recent advances in spiral CT and digital radiography.

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