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Remote Sensing Applications For The Urban Environment at Meripustak

Remote Sensing Applications For The Urban Environment by Xian G Z, Taylor and Francis

Books from same Author: Xian G Z

Books from same Publisher: Taylor and Francis

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Xian G Z
    PublisherTaylor and Francis
    Publish YearOctober 2015


    Taylor and Francis Remote Sensing Applications For The Urban Environment by Xian G Z

    Land use and land cover changes associated with increased urbanization have led to landscape and environmental changes throughout the world. Remote Sensing Applications for the Urban Environment places emphasis on the rapid development of worldwide urbanization and its impact on the environment, and reviews the assessment of urban land cover conditions using remote sensing data. The book examines current satellite observation capacities, the use of remote sensing data to characterize urban extent and urban land cover, and the applications of satellite-derived data for urban environment assessments. It also introduces cutting-edge assessment methods and remote sensing techniques for characterizing high-resolution imagery of urban areas in different ecological environments. An up-to-date reference reflecting the state of the art in both remote sensing and the environmental assessment of urban areas, Remote Sensing Applications for the Urban Environment summarizes current satellite observing capacities and the growing demand for consistent and continuous local, regional, and global observation data by different government agencies throughout the world. This book serves academic faculties, students, researchers, and government decision makers.

    Key Features:-

    • Focuses on the latest progress in urban remote sensing and technologies used to monitor urban land u
    • Introduces several methods used to extract urban landscape features using high-resolution imagery
    • Details the methods currently used for assessing urban vegetation, impervious surface, and urban lan
    • Describes how to use multi-temple satellite images to monitor urban growth around the world

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